How to get there

Rue de la Bowe 45, 5600 Philippeville


Sitar player Olivier Leclercqz offers private concerts at a location of your choosing. This is ideal for a relaxing moment or an event with family and friends, thanks to the gentle sound of this musical instrument from India.


  • Sitar 4
  • Sitar 3
  • Sitar 2
  • Sitar 1
  • Sitar 5

A musical artist for you

This activity represents a change from the everyday: normally, you have to get around on a tight schedule. That's far from the case here: you're free to organise a musical experience according to your wishes.

You agree the time, the date and the fee with the artist and everything's arranged. What a luxury, to treat yourself to this unique experience. You can enjoy this private concert to the full, in an intimate moment with the artist.

An activity that blends nature and music

This musical experience can take place inside or outside. What matters is that the audience (and the musician) feel good and that they can listen to the music comfortably.

The sitar is an instrument from northern India. The plucked strings emit a sound that is high-pitched and soft at the same time, relaxing and enchanting the listener. The vibrant music creates a very special world, which evokes travel for some, the cosmos for others and, for others still, traditional dance.

An event to be celebrated

The sitar is not well known to the general public in Europe. However, this instrument is highly prized by lovers of ancient music. Olivier creates a friendly and intimate ambience with his instrument, which could only be achieved with the sitar.

Inviting him into your garden or holiday home means crafting a magical moment that can be enjoyed by anyone. Most importantly, it's a beautiful memory.

Why not dazzle your friends or your other half with a private concert?

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